October 2013 saw the start of a new phase of my life, fulfillment of a life long dream.
Beginning in 5th grade, I would volunteer in whatever library would let me. From the classroom bookshelf, to the grammar school, junior high, and high school libraries I spent any free time and study halls I had helping shelve books and doing whatever the professionals would allow me to do to help. After I married and had my kids I was fortunate enough to work first at B. Dalton and then spend 23 years as the buyer for an independent bookseller. As time and various local librarians allowed I would volunteer. The marriage ended and the bookstore closed and I found solace shelving books at my library. Our is small town so the library staff consisted of our head librarian, MaryBeth, and 2 library technicians, Debbie and Cindy. Last year Debbie retired and I was invited to apply for her position. After an extensive hiring process I officially became a librarian in October.
One of the things I love the most about working in the library is that I am constantly learning new things and that is what 23 Mobile Things is all about. It is a self-paced learning program that will identify 23 types of apps for me to discover and learn how to use on my chosen mobile device, which in my case is the Galaxy S4 phone I got earlier this year. This learning program is giving librarians and our support, be it Boards, Friends, or Advisory groups, the opportunity of expanding our knowledge and using popular technology to be more effective for our patrons.
So the next adventure has begun. And as I travel through the 23 Mobile Things portion of it I will be sharing what I am learning here with anyone who wants to hear about it. The journey through 23 Mobile Things is to be completed by June 15th with lots to learn along the way. Thing 1 was registering and sharing a blog post about 23 Mobile Things and what we hope to get out of the program.
So stay tuned! The adventure is just beginning!