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Thomas Edison Predicted My Kindle!

I recently came across an interesting link celebrating the 100th anniversary of an article written by Thomas Edison predicting the e-book. My sons had given me a Kindle for Christmas last year along with a $25 gift card. They felt that I needed to be the one to test the waters of ebook technology in our family. To date I’ve managed to restrain myself from spending all of the gift card. I have paid for 3 titles, but at this writing have managed to download 314 titles. Now 1 or 2 are sample chapters for computer books I may need to get for my job as an SEO, but the majority of them are full books.

To acquire this many I have made a commitment to regularly go into Kindle’s free limited time promotions every week or so. Anything that I might even remotely be interested in gets downloaded, because some of them are only free for a few weeks or even just days. I have also invested time looking through the Kindle free classics, as well as just surfing category sections and arranging the selection by price lowest to highest.

Along the way I have managed to find some original Bobbsey Twin titles, a number of church history books that look fascinating, some business and computer titles, assorted romance, mystery, and sci-fi/fantasy titles, some motivational and inspirational titles, a self-help book or two, some cookbooks, fairy tales,  some young adult titles…you get the idea.One of the things I really love about it is that there are so many out-of-print books that are now accessible if one has the time to go digging.

To date I have  only actually read less than a dozen books on my Kindle.  I just don’t grab it the way I do a regular book, although I have started listening to some of the books I have downloaded as I drive. I know and understand the debate raging right now about the audio copyrights, but that debate is for another post. Personally I am not impressed with the computerized voices nor their reading ability (when a character in one story said “Hmmm” the Kindle read each letter individually “H-M-M-M”). The thing is I do have a 35 minute drive so this way I am getting through a few of the books on it.

So thank you Thomas Edison. I appreciate my portable library and the light by which to read it.

Historic Palm Beach – brought to you by the Palm Beach Post » 100 years ago today: Thomas Edison predicted the e-book.

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